Truth About Guitar Music Theory 2022 | A Breakthrough Story

How much Music Theory should Guitar Players know? The initial article on the basics of Music Theory a guitarist should know regardless of playing level.
Basic Music Theory and the guitar thumbnail title image
Picture of Angel Sanchez

Angel Sanchez

What is Music Theory?

In simple terms, music theory is a generally accepted explanation of how music works.  Music theory is comprised of shareable principles. These principles help us better understand and communicate Music as art. Music as a form of art is subjective in nature. Hence its interpretation is subjective as well. Nevertheless, beauty is found in the eyes of the beholder. So, let’s go ahead and explore just how much theory should a guitarist know. 

How Much Music Theory Should You Know?

It might be surprising to many how little music theory one needs to be successful at the guitar. A tap here, a strum there, a few chords combos and you are all set.  Before you know it, you made music with your guitar. It really is that simple. 
Now, how much success do you want at the guitar? It depends on how much of your art you want others to share and enjoy. So, if you are more interested in self-savoring the sounds of the guitar on your own. Then, disregard all the principles of music theory and enjoy the instrument.
But, if you find yourself wanting to share your musical creations with others. Then knowing some music theory can pave the way for you. There are unlimited resources available on the internet. But, I like to highlight, pencil, encircle and write notes when studying. Hence, I tend to buy books online.   I am a fan of the “For Dummies” series of books.
Music Theory For DummiesHere’s a Book you can use to get a quick grasp on the basics of music theory.
If you prefer to watch videos instead, then I invite you to check my YouTube Channel Community. Feel free to drop some questions in the comments section. I monitor them regularly.
On the other hand, knowing too much theory without properly applying it can be harmful to your success. 

How Much Is Too Much?

This is simple.  As soon as the eyes of the audience start to glare away from your performance then you know something is askew. In other words, having a solid grasp of basics is enough to be able to engage your audience and be able to express your music eloquently.

Hey, thanks for reading this post. I am still working on it. Please come back in a few as I conclude this very interesting topic. 

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